Friday, September 7, 2007

The Wicker Man

Next Tuesday and Thursday we'll watch The Wicker Man, a 1973 Horror film starring Christopher Lee. The movie, arguably, demonstrates the clash of Apollonian law, order, and authority, with Dionysian chaos and release. The film is very much a product of the 1970s (lots of hippies, who frequently break out into song) but I think it holds up well. Come with an open mind :)

If you're traveling in Scotland next year, consider the Wickerman Festival!

Also, please use this opportunity to do a good, thorough reading of The Birth of Tragedy. Have a great weekend!


Chelsea said...

Don't you mean Apollonian law, order, and authority?

Lewis H. Whitaker said...

DOH! Chelsea, truly, I'd be lost without you! I've fixed it!